'Vinok' (Medium: Watercolour and Pencil Crayon) Color laser reproduction. This delightful illustration was originally inspired by my young daughter’s excitement when she proudly placed an adult “vinok” on her head and began to dance around, allowing the vividly coloured ribbons swirl around her. The vinok is a flowered wreath dating back to pre-Christian times. It was thought that the headdress would protect girls from evil spirits. It is tied to the day of “Ivan Kupala” when women placed their wreaths in rivers to float down the water in hopes that a handsome young man would catch the wreath (and the girl!). It was later accepted as a symbol of girlhood and then replaced upon transitioning to womanhood. In dance, the vinok is proudly adorned with a variety of flowers arranged in a crown with brightly coloured ribbons secured behind the head. (Poltava Region costume). Matted laser copy reproduction on 110 cardstock with card backing and sealed in a plastic sleeve. Matte Size: 11x14” with 8x10” opening.