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#24 Kokanee Salmon Pysanka Dye

Regular price $2.25

This nice warm "Kokanee Salmon" pysanka dye is a great dye to add to your dye inventory. Enjoy different hues from this one dye powder just by changing how long you leave the eggshell in the dye bath. Give the dye 10+ minutes to really show its true colour. Kokanee Salmon will add nice light colour to your Pysanky. Enjoy it with many of the other dyes in our Ukrainian EggCessories' line of eggshell pysanka dye.

Kokanee Salmon Represents:

Determination, perseverance, and a journey against the current. This subtle hue embodies quiet strength, resilience, and optimism, making it a symbol of enduring grace. 

Kokanee Salmon Name: Hailing from the west coast in British Columbia, Kokanee Salmon also known as the Kokanee trout & little redfish, are a non-anadromous species of salmon, meaning they stay in freshwater their whole lives, instead of travelling out to sea like their anadromous counterpart the Sockeye Salmon. Kokanee Salmon is all about good vibes so it's perfect for independent souls who don't shy away from making a statement, those ready to express themselves, while also being completely appropriate for those who want to build rich relationships. 

**Notes when using Ukrainian EggCessories Dyes:
Cream Soda Pink, Yukon Gold, Cleansing Orange & Cleansing Yellow DO NOT use vinegar. Please leave your eggshell in the dye long enough to get your preferred colour. To get a strong black, you may need to wash back your last dye colour until your eggshell is a nice exposed shell, dip in vinegar for 30 seconds and then put in Orca Black longer than 10 minutes.

Breathing in or digesting pysanka dye powder can cause extreme abdominal pain and respiratory symptoms, such as a cough, shortness of breath, and a sore throat. Contact with eyes can result in redness and pain, and skin contact may cause redness as well. For arts and crafts purposes only, not food grade.

Due to these concerns, NIOSH suggests preventative measures for those working with acid pysanka dyes, such as protecting the skin with gloves, eyes with eyewear and providing appropriate ventilation while also wearing a N95 mask.