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#26 Sodalite Blue Pysanka Dye

Regular price $2.25

Sodalite Blue is a new bright blue eggshell dye. It can give you variations of blue depending on the length of your dye dip. Give it a quick dip for a lighter blue or leave it in for a deep bright colour. This dye powder is one of our most expensive to bring in to the store.  You'll definitely gett your money's worth with this fantastic dye!!

Sodalite Blue Represents:

Loyalty, reliability, and calm. Whether used in artwork or serving as a backdrop in nature, this vibrant hue captures the essence of both serenity and endless potential. 

Sodalite Blue Name: Sodalite is a mineral that is used as a gem. It was first found in the early 1800's and is found in many parts of the world but here in Canada you can find them mostly in the Canadian Shield in Ontario and around the town of Golden within the rockies in British Columbia. Many places sell egg shaped Sodalite stones. They're treasured and adored by all who've seen or purchased this stunning gem, just like all your pysanky dyed with this stunning colour will be cherished. Sodalite is great to add to a pysanka for people with a positive attitude towards self-discipline, hard work and staying true to oneself.

**Notes when using Ukrainian EggCessories Dyes:
Cream Soda Pink, Yukon Gold, Cleansing Orange & Cleansing Yellow DO NOT use vinegar. Please leave your eggshell in the dye long enough to get your preferred colour. To get a strong black, you may need to wash back your last dye colour until your eggshell is a nice exposed shell, dip in vinegar for 30 seconds and then put in Orca Black longer than 10 minutes.

Breathing in or digesting pysanka dye powder can cause extreme abdominal pain and respiratory symptoms, such as a cough, shortness of breath, and a sore throat. Contact with eyes can result in redness and pain, and skin contact may cause redness as well. For arts and crafts purposes only, not food grade.

Due to these concerns, NIOSH suggests preventative measures for those working with acid pysanka dyes, such as protecting the skin with gloves, eyes with eyewear and providing appropriate ventilation while also wearing a N95 mask.